San Pedro Recipies:

Here are two very effective San Pedro recipies. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Method 1: Advantage: possible higher mescaline yield. Disadvantage: Time

Method 2: Advantage: time reduced greatly. Disadvantage: possible lower mescaline yield.

Read Method 1 carefully. It will help you understand the quick Method 2.


Method 1:


Prepared San Pedro, a good sized crock-pot, a large pan or pot (with lid a good idea), and a collinder (that will fit pretty well in, or mostly in the crock-pot and the pan), lemon juice, and cheese cloth (optional).


Fill the pot with hot water and heat on the stove to boil.

Turn the crock-pot ON.

Take the prepared San Pedro and put it into the crock-pot. Now add a few ounces of lemon juice (not too much; 4-6oz). Add the boiling water to the crock-pot which contains the prepared cacti and lemon juice (fill the pot pretty full because you want to add as little water as you have too. It makes the last step take less time).

Put the lid on and boil on HIGH for 24 hours or so. Add water when it needs it to keep the water level covering the cacti (do not add more lemon juice).

You can use it at this point (you still need to boil it down though), but if you can plan to leave another 12-24 hours on LOW do it.


Now allow it to cool just enough that you can handle the liquid and San Pedro.

Take the collinder and strain the cacti out of the water into the large pan (pot used to boil the water). If the San pedro cannot be filtered out by a simple colinder, use cheese cloth on the inside of the collinder as a finer filter. When the cloth gets full or clogged, change to allow more flow but wring out the liquid in the cloth. Change cloth as little as possible.

Take a grocery store plastic bag (2 for more than one dose or very large doses)or a small unscented trash bag and put it on top of the cacti while still in the collinder. Push the plastic bag around the cacti leaving the bottom of the cacti against the bottom of the collinder. Now push, squeeze or whatever to get all the water you can out of the cacti while letting it (liquid only)drain through the collinder into the large pot with the rest of the liquid.

Toss the CACTI ONLY!

Take the left over brownish liquid and put it back into the crock-pot or leave it in the pan (pot) and boil it down until it equals a small amount of liquid (about 4oz or so per dose is pretty easy to get down ie. if you brew 2 doses you should have about 8oz of "tea" when finished boiling off the excess water).

Note: It seems that the heat of boiling (even a hard boil) does not effect the mescaline. Make sure the liquid is cool if you are going to dose right away. If you are not going to trip right away, after brewing, refridgerate then drink whenever you wish to trip. When you do drink it; drink it all really fast. Like in one drink or so if possible. You will not be able (some people can) to drink more later, so get it all at this time (the taste once is bad enough. If you try again, you might "hurl"). The odor can be pretty powerful and bitter while boiling. Don't try to "secretly" brew this if others will have to breathe while you are brewing. It starts to smell almost like a barbaque sauce or something after a day or so. Don't let that fool you! Either drink within 24 hours or capsulate.

To Capsulate:

Just evaporate the liquid (sitting on an open oven door works well) and you will be left with dust.   scrap it up, throw it into a gelcap and your ready to go.

Some people reccomend that you filter the tea through a coffee filter or cheese-cloth before you boil it down to drink. This just depends on how much time you have and your level of patience if you are waiting to drink. It is NOT required, but personal taste and ease of drinking might prompt you to try both. If cheese cloth was used earlier to filter out the San Pedro it is definately not suggested to repeat now.



Method 2:


Prepared San Pedro, a large pan or pot (with lid), a storage container for liquids, a collinder, lemon juice, and cheese cloth.


Place San Pedro in a large pot on the stove and cover it with a mixture of two parts water to one part lemon or lime juice. Try to use the bare minimum of liquid necessary to cover the plant matter; the more you use, the more you will eventually have to reduce or drink later.

Heat just barely to a boil and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring often. Then strain the pulp out through collinder or cheesecloth, and save the liquid. Put the pulp back in the pot, and repeat the process two more times. After your third boil strain again, discard the pulp, combine your liquids, and reduce over low heat to a manageable amount if necessary. Either drink within 24 hours or capsulate.

To Capsulate:

Just evaporate the liquid (sitting on an open oven door works well) and you will be left with dust.   scrap it up, throw it into a gelcap and your ready to go.

That's pretty much about it. I know that it might seem like a lot of work, and in truth it is, especially if you are preparing multiple doses...but believe you me, walking with Mescalito is well worth it. My advice is to make a whole day of it and make a ritual out of the entire process.

IMHO, San Pedro is not an appropriate entheogen to ingest spontaneously on a whim. It is much better suited for use under conditions that allow for planning, preparation, and intent. In any case, I hope that some of you have found this useful, and will find success with this recipe.

Fresh Cacti preparation

Dry Cacti preperation

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