Stoned Immaculate

These are the voyages of human thought; streched and kneaded by High Strangeness.

Stoned conversations, ideas, and diary entries from:

MM: The Mystery Man


GW: The Grand Wazoo

How to Judge good Cannabis

Entries from The Grand Wazoo Diary:

The Mystery Man came over, and he figit `round a bit.......

.....with the Oil of Aphrodite, and the Dust of the Grand Wazoo

5.10.5 9 Chicchan, 17 Chen, 13 Manik (1998Oct01).

After many hits of the bong we join our friends...

MM had the idea of bringing on trips using hypnosis and key words. You choose key words when tripping, then can bring that "state" back by hypnotic suggestion at a later date. Using external drugs to generate internal experiences to metaprogram in at a later date. The same thing would work with good stones. Use key words and later just bring that high back at will! Awesome, and also legal! Give me my bong, I need a toke!

GW: For instance one of GW's mushroom trip used the phrase "It's just like watching a funny movie." GW's first LSD trip used the phrase "The LSD Sun." Using a key phrase which you associate with an experience will make the best choices for activation triggers. You set them up in that state for that purpose. Brain-waves act as long-range communication.

5.10.10 1 oc, 3 Yax, 13 Manik (1998Oct06).

After many hits of the bong we join our friends...

GW: Stoned and burnt again and will hopefully again tomorrow. Well hopefully only the stoned part. While talking about Kabbalah, MM said that if you want to see G_d first comes a storm.

MM: The "storm" is used in many mystical texts. It represents a barrier. Like the "abyss." It is used in the book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Prophets. This is an important concept in Kabbalah. It can also be linked to many thing in life. The phrase "it is always darkest just before dawn." This metaphor extends throughoutt eternity. The bud is also great! Ha! The laughter is like a storm! I just wanna get more stoned! Lets blast off again! Into the darkness and seek the light... or the lighter.... ever which! With bong in hand the Mystery Man descends into obscurity.

GW: Like Cauac and Ahau (Mayan day-names, Cauac=Storm, Ahau=Lord/the Creator). GW: Herb does take the place of a woman, a generator of love. The self-aware net, each point can reference any other point.

MM: Does not agree that herb replaces a woman. MM likes women very much. MM likes herb a lot too.... better when you have both, but either will do! A woman doesn't last quite as long (at least with me), but damn it is great!

5.10.13 4 Ben, 6 Yax, 13 Manik (1998Oct09).

After many hits of the bong we join our friends...

Last night turned out weird. MM insisted that Cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties and convinced GW to smoke. It may have helped with a soar throat. It worked really well. Good advice. It will be followed from now on.

MM: Cannabis is great for allergies. It also helps a lot with asthma. Pain and other things are also eased with use. Plus, let's face it... it be great to be stoned! The best medicine ever. MM am so wavy wavy... happy... stoned! The cotton mouth, from our illustrius Cannabis, dries up the sinuses and helps with the cough. It dries up the drainage... as it gets you stoned as hell too! So lets get to the point and roll another joint... MM has already had many... MM guesses MM will have more....

"You might not believe this little fellow, but it'll cure your asthma too."--- F. Zappa



More Stoned Entries soon to come.....

....Come back soon




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