What Does All This Mean?

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These pages are based on the Classical Mayan Tzolkin calendar  using the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation number of 584,283. I present a synthesis of some of the different interpretations I have gathered.

In simple terms, each kin (day, sun) has a combination of energies:
    - Each number has a corresponding energy, (1 of 13)
    - Each Solar Day Glyph or Solar Tribe, has a corresponding
      energy, (1 of 20)
    - The association of these two above energies give each kin,
       (1 of  260) a specific energy
    - The placement of any kin within the structure of the Tzolkin
      adds its own flavor.

The Solar Day Glyph that starts each Galactic Time Pulse gives its energies to the overall energies for the remainder of the pulse. These 13 day periods are commonly called a Trecena in Mexico. The actual Mayan name for them is unknown. The kin of 13 Cauac would have the energies of that specific kin as well as the energies of  Manik (13 Cauac is in the Manik Galactic Time Pulse).

There is a layering and layering of the energies. The Maya had an intuitive knowledge of, or knew for a fact, the natural growth process' contained in Fabonacci mathematics. The Mayan calendar systems are a natural reflection of this as they defined their relationships with the worlds around them; earthly and cosmically. My focus in on the core of the Mayan calendar, the 260-day Tzolkin; the 13:20 frequency. By following the Classical Tzolkin one can obtain a more spiritual awareness of time and move beyond the linear, materialistic time of the Gregorian calendar. There are a number of books and articles available about other cycles in the Mayan calendar system: the various planetary, eclipse, Long Count, etc. See the links section for more information.

The Calendar System in use throughout Mesoamerica is one of the most phenomenal achievements in the world. It integrated in one vast complex, highly-developed mathematical calculations, astronomy, astrology, myth, and religion. Wherever and by whomever it was first devised, the Mayas are believed to have perfected it by the first century B.C.

There were [are] several interlocking calendars involved within the system. Its core was a cycle of 260 days popularly called the Sacred Calendar, The Mayan tzolkin, or "Count of Days," and the Nahuatl tonalamatl, said to mean the "Book of the Good and Bad Days" or "Book of Fate." As such it was a sacred and divinatory almanac and not properly a calendar corresponding to any natural time count.
Frank Waters
Mexico Mystique - The Coming Sixth World of Consciousness


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