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Mayan Oracle Interpretation
Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner

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I am Muluc,
       the lotus of remembrance
       that carries the seed of the Great Central Sun!
The precious starseeds within you have remained poised
       within my protective embrace
       like a pulsating whisper of reunion's song unsung;
Waiting, cradled within the arms of the one moment,
       empowered to release their splendor back to you now!
I am the realm of awareness, the nourishment
       that quickens the sacred seed.
I am the harmonious passage through  which you flow
       to bask within the lambent glow,
       that full remembrance may be yours.
As awakening stirs within  your earthen form,
       the cosmic seed expands, releasing its elixir.
Like an exhilarating fountain,
       it flows through  the translator beacon of self,
       arousing its whisper into a voice empowered
       to extend its communication
       into the waiting galactic network.
I am Muluc!
Bathe in the waters of remembrance,
       shed your veil of self-forgetting,
       keeping your awareness poised in the moment.
I will give you loving confirmation
       of the divine, sacred fruit
       through sensings, signs, and signals.
I will assist you in finding balance
       in the shifts of perception that emerge
       from the activation of these sacred seeds.
I will support you in assimilating new energies and frequencies
       within the sacred monolith, the beacon of self.
I will help you build the confidence
       to stand in the fullness of your light.
Together we will plant a beautiful garden,
       nourished by your desire for reunion.
I will hold you close within my protective robes of light
       until I see the strength of the rainbow warrior emerging.
I will steady your outreaching hands
       until I am sure remembrance is truly yours,
       certain you have heard strains of the sacred song
       that celebrates  your beauty and power.
Then shall I open my arms to release you,
       in harmonious passage keyed,
       to soar through my gates,
       newly charged with the remembrance
       of your unfolding purpose in the cosmic play of light.

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These transformational insights are from The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars, by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner. Ariel has kindly given me permission to share them with you here. These poems are approximately 30 pages of a 313 page book and card set - In other words, the book is packed with insightful wisdom. Expand your personal relationship with the Mayan archetypes; please visit them at their web site where you can obtain your own personal signed copy. In the book Ariel acknowledges Aurora (Cinda Seaton) for her contribution in these poetry sections. Thank you Ariel, Michael, Aurora and all others who contributed.

Visit the Mayan Oracle Web Site

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