Ix Galactic Time Pulse

June 21 - July 3, 2000

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1 Ix 17 Zotz 2 Caban
Initiating Journey
Intelligent and Secretive

Heart Jaguar Ocelot Melody
Solar Plexus
North - Challenging and Requires Knowledge
Guiding Energy - Ix
Double Body Lightning
Kin 14   June 21, 2000

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2 Men 18 Zotz 2 Caban
Generating Vision
Free and Independent

Eagle Cobweb Flow
West - Encounter and Relationship
Guiding Energy - Manik
Double Body Lightning
Kin 15   June 22, 2000

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3 Cib 19 Zotz 2 Caban
Separating Intelligence
Authoritative and Wise

Vulture Galactic Conduit Grace
South - Emotional and Volatile
Guiding Energy - Ahau
Kin 16   June 23, 2000

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4 Caban 0 Zec 2 Caban
Creating Evolution
Intellectual but Practical

Earthquake Incense Tone
East - Emerging Self
Guiding Energy - Ben
Kin 17   June 24, 2000

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5 Etznab 1 Zec 2 Caban
Elevating Reflections
Self-sufficient but Romantic

Mirror Knife Dissonance
Solar Plexus
North - Challenging and Requires Knowledge
Guiding Energy - Cimi
Kin 18   June 25, 2000

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6 Cauac 2 Zec 2 Caban
Imitiating Change
Helpful and Healing

Storm Fire Rain Freedom
West - Encounter and Relationship
Guiding Energy - Cauac
Kin 19   June 26, 2000

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7 Ahau 3 Zec 2 Caban
Resonating The_Creator
Loving and Artistic

Ancestors Ruler Overtones
South - Emotional and Volatile
Guiding Energy - Eb
Galactic Portal Day
Kin 20   June 27, 2000

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8 Imix 4 Zec 2 Caban
Integrating Sustanence

Protective and Dominating

Root Dragon Frequency

East - Emerging Self
Guiding Energy - Chicchan

Kin 21   June 28, 2000

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9 Ik 5 Zec 2 Caban
Concentrating Communication
Agile, Clever and Multifaceted

Spirit Wind Interval

Solar Plexus
North - Challenging and Requires Knowledge
Guiding Energy - Etznab

Galactic Portal Day
Kin 22   June 29, 2000

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10 Akbal 6 Zec 2 Caban
Cocreating Dreams
Deep, Thoughtful and Conservative

Night House Integration
West - Encounter and Relationship
Guiding Energy - Chuen
Body Lightning
Kin 23   June 30, 2000

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11 Kan 7 Zec 2 Caban
Dissonant Transformation
Active, Dynamic and Sexual

Lizard Seed Progression
South - Emotional and Volatile
Guiding Energy - Kan
Kin 24   July 1, 2000

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12 Chicchan 8 Zec 2 Caban
Cooperating Awareness
Powerful and Charismatic

Serpent Lightning Tempo
East - Emerging Self
Guiding Energy - Caban
Body Lightning
Secondary Teyolia
Kin 25   July 2, 2000

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13 Cimi 9 Zec 2 Caban
Illuminating Transitions
Sacrificing and Helpful

Death Transformations Serenity
Solar Plexus
North - Challenging and Requires Knowledge
Guiding Energy - Oc
Body Lightning
Kin 26   July 3, 2000

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Haab Month - Zotz

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Patron - Xoc Fish
Glyph - Bat (zotz')
Two Moss / Bat
Comment: Rebus of Winter (?)

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Haab Month - Zec

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Patron - Sky and Earth
Glyph - Count of Uinals (?)
Shoots / Skull
Comment: 260-days to End of Year (?)

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Galactic Time Pulse Index

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Next Galactic Time Pulse - Manik