The ClearWhiteLight.Org Main Logo

Spiritual Studies

The pages on this site are maintained by separateentities with a common goal.


Manuscripton Kabbalah


TheBook of Enoch


MayanGalactic Calendar


TheTao Te Ching Tao Te Ching in Chinese

Print a random verse

TheI Ching

ThePrincipia Discordia, or, how I found Goddess and what I did to her when I found her

download a plain-text version


Moreto be added soon.  

members:if you have a spiritual text that will add to the diversity of the site, it can be hosted here for free. Chat with, or e-mail the webmaster for more information, or if you need some guidance on your spiritual quest <fnord>.


ClearWhite Light's Ritual Supplies

Become Touched by thee Light

Supporting free speech on the net

More later.

updated12. 8 Chuen 19 Mol, 2003Sep11