A Sample Kin and Explanations

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Below is a sample kin with many of the possible energies included. Each line is numbered and below is an explanation for each.

1)  1 Oc 18 Kayab 1 Eb
2)  Initiating Companionship
3)  Emotional and Imaginative

4)  Dog Foot Affinity
5)  Solar Plexus

6)  North - Challenging and Requires Knowledge
7)  Guiding Energy - Oc
8)  Body Lightning
9)  Teyolia
10) Galactic Portal Day
11) Core Seed Day
12) Kin 170   March 9, 2000

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1)  1 Oc 18 Kayab 1 Eb

1 - The day number, out of 13...akin to the day of the week.
Oc - The Solar Day Glyph (one of 20).
One of the properties of these two are as locators within the Tzolkin 260 day calendar. The main emphasis of this web site is with the energies of these two areas and their placement within the Tzolkin.

18 - akin to the day of the month ( 0 - 19).
Kayab - The name of the month

These are components of the Haab calendar; a 365 day calendar which is considered to mainly be used for agricultural purposes. Meanings for each month are on each Time Pulse page. They are all combined together here.

I have used the monthly designation and numbering derived from the Tikal system. I am considering using the Quiche system which is still in use today in Mesoamerica. Most scholars use the Tikal system and I use it for date comparison purposes.

1 - The day number, from the day number system of the Tzolkin, of when the new year started.
Eb - The name of the year. It is derived from the Solar Day Glyph name when the new year started.

These connect the Tzolkin and the Haab calendars together.  This is the Long Count Date. It is used to compute larger cosmic and historical cycles.  It started on the date which corresponds to August 13, 3114 B.C.  It ends (or will start again?) on ( which corresponds to December 20,(21) 2012.
I will use the numbers above as identifiers to show how it is structured.

10 -                         1 kin     = 1 day                 10 x 1
0 -  20 kin          = 1 uinal  = 20 days               0 x 20
7 -  18 uinals    = 1 tun      = 360 days             7 x 360
19 - 20 tuns       = 1 katun = 7,200 days        19 x 7,200
12 - 20 katuns   = 1 batun = 144,000 days     12 x 144,000

  13 batuns  = 1 Great Cycle = 1,872,000 days

There are spiritual periods associated with the Long Count which are beyond the scope of this site presently. Basically, each uinal has a positive, growing nature (odd numbered) or a negative, stagnate energy (even numbered) associated with it. The Long Count is part of a larger awareness of time that moves  from larger to smaller  periods with corresponding  higher frequencies that relate to our growth here on Earth.  Go to Carl Johan Calleman's web site for a clearer and more detailed explanation.

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2)  Initiating Companionship

These words relate to the Number and Solar Day Glyph energies, the first for the Number and the second for the Solar Day Glyph; 1 and Oc for the example above.  These words have been brought forth by two intuitively observant friends of mine and are not from the Classical literature. For a complete list for these Number or Solar Day Glyphs click on the appropriate word.

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3)  Emotional and Imaginative

These words are from the works of Bruce Scofield, an astrologist who has studied the cosmology of the Mayans. They relate to the Solar Day Glyph; Oc for the example above. For the complete listing click here.

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4)  Dog Foot Affinity

These are some of the terms associated with the Solar Day Glyph; some historical, some new.

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5)  Solar Plexus

This is the  chakra associated with the Solar Day Glyph.

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6)  North - Challenging and Requires Knowledge

This is the direction, associated with its color, for the
Solar Day Glyph and a descriptor from Bruce Scofield.

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7)  Guiding Energy - Oc

This is the secondary, or supporting energy for each day. Its origin is unknown to me, but one way to mathematically derive it can be seen in the Alternate Tzolkin section of this website. Where the individual  kin is in the Tzolkin determines what the guiding energy is.

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8)  Body Lightning

One of the inherent qualities of some of the Solar Day Glyphs is Body Lightning or Coyopa.  It can be described as kundalini or inner psychic energy or as lightning in the blood. In Mayan mythology Coyopa was the ruler of the sound of thunder. Days indicated as Double Body Lightning are days when the primary and secondary Solar Day Glyphs carry this energy.

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9)  Teyolia

This energy is carried by the Solar Day Glyph Caban. This energy, carried in our hearts, is the source of creative activities, memory, emotion and knowledge.

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10) Galactic Portal Day

52 of the 260 days in the Tzolkin are Galactic Portal Days. On these days one is able to open up to universal awareness of oneself and enter into new areas of consciousness. I believe these days are openings formed by the mathematical weavings of the binary and Fibonacci sequences of growth contained in the calendar. The Galactic Portal Days in the first half of the calendar are associated with the past and the ones in the last half are associated with the future.

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11) Core Seed Day

These are the 20 days in the center of the Tzolkin. These days act as centering days; when the past portion and the future portion of the calendar merge into the now. These days are associated with the flow of energy, kundilini, through the major chakras and spinal column of the human body. These are profound days as one can work with one's spiritual or physical aspects on these days.

They occur in five groups of four Solar Day Glyphs.

4 Imix, 5 Ik, 6 Akbal and 7 Kan
New energies from the cosmic center

8 Chicchan, 9 Cimi, 10 Manik and 11 Lamat
Speaking truth and dissolving old programs

12 Muluc, 13 Oc, 1 Cheun and 2 Eb
Universal Christ consciousness opens into the heart

Solar Plexus
3 Ben, 4 Ix, 5 Men and 6 Cib
Stagnate energies can be cleared

7 Caban, 8 Etznab, 9 Cauac and 10 Ahau
Survival issues can be cleared

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12) Kin 170   March 9, 2000

The kin number (out of 260) and the corresponding Gregorian calendar date.

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Galactic Time Pulse Index

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